~ The New BoulwareEnterprises ~
"You may be an ambassador to England or France, You may like to gamble, you might like to dance, You may be the heavyweight champion of the world, You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls; But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed, you're gonna have to serve somebody. Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, But you're gonna have to serve somebody!" ~ Bob Dylan ~ Leadership: ...the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group; ability to lead; an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction; the leaders of a group: Merit: ...claim to respect and praise; excellence; worth; to be worthy of; deserve. WORDS RELATED TO MERIT dignity, talent, integrity, value, benefit, excellence, virtue, stature, quality, worthiness, deserve, warrant, justify, arete, caliber, desert, worth, credit, good, asset! 'Gregory:' "Vigilanter - Watchfully." This surname of BOULWARE was a French locational name meani...